
Thursday, November 14, 2019


I used to be good at planning things. Figuring out a timeline to get me, plus all the required stuff, to the right place at the right time was straightforward. Things need to happen in an order, and they all take a certain amount of time, and some things can or cannot be done at the same time. I'd just know and then I'd make it happen.

But I've been noodling about this for a while, and it's time to write it all down, and maybe it will make sense then. Or not.

The Calgary +15 system is a marvellous thing, connecting up many of the buildings downtown. Like Topsy it grew in the making, and thus doesn't always make as much sense as it should. What with working in several buildings connected to it, and lots of walks through it, I'm pretty familiar with how it's laid out, where it goes, and if it's faster to use it or the streets. The answer is often, it depends.

There is a new bridge recently opened connecting Penn West to Gulf Canada. As an aside, neither of those two companies exist any more. One got bought, and the other changed it's name out of shame, or something. This bridge was supposed to be done in 2013.

I have a desire to see it, and stroll through the rest of the system to check out the changes in public art, and see if there are any new bridges I haven't seen. The map says there is a bridge from Hanover Place to the new Telus Sky building, but does not show the one I want to check out. The map is wrong. This walk could take about 18K, 60 bridges, and 40 buildings.

But seeing it is more complex than just walking through it. This bridge lights up, and that suggests looking at it from outdoors when it's dark is a good idea. Sunrise these days is just before 8am, and the predawn light can be lovely, and the +15 offer several nice vantage points for it. Sunrise is considerably south of east, so it won't line up with the avenues, but that's ok. Sometimes that makes for great reflections.

Where I normally park is close to the new bridge, but it's essentially at the end of the path. Also, there is no good coffee shop that's really handy to meet up with buddies. (Tim Hortons and Second Cup in Gulf Canada do NOT count as good coffee, and don't get me started on Starbucks!) I'd proposed this to some friends, and there is some interest. It would be nice to meet up with other, office bound buddies for lunch along the way, which adds to organizational complexity.

Then there's deciding about camera equipment. For much of the system there isn't much room, so wider is better. Except where it isn't, and longer is better, especially if you're shooting out a window. Which I hope they've cleaned recently. I don't want to be dragging around any more gear than necessary.

And the date. Normally I like to plan my morning stuff for Monday, Wednesday, Friday to make car usage easy for me and Linda. She has morning stuff Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday. That isn't to say those days can't work, they just take a bit more planning. What do I do those mornings? Swim, usually, and sometimes tack on other activities after. The only problem with tacking on a photo ramble after a swim, is the camera in the parking lot. There are any number of signs warning of a theft problem, and I've spoken to several people that have had their cars broken into. Plus, sunrise just now is about when I'm usually swimming. Plus other things are filling in the calendar.

So decisions, decisions. What to do? Or more to the point, when to do?

Here's the last photos from the cover hunt down in Fish Creek, except one. I'll show the cover one, once the newsletter is published.

Deadwood of the Day

1 comment:

  1. I often revisit your postings before commenting and then I comment on a number of posts at the same time. Today is no different. I was struck with 2 the first time I saw it. This photo is a pleasing companion to the one from Nov. 20. I wonder what they would look like side by each and both in b&w. Cheers, Sean


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