
Tuesday, November 12, 2019

If you like penguins

So I know that title hooked one of my regular readers. Here's my latest read. I've been in a hang out at home and read sort of mood the last little while.

This is the book to get out of the library if you like penguins. I had thought it was Antarctic landscapes, and there are indeed some, extremely well done. Also ice, and some reflections. So far so good. There is a short history of Antarctic exploration, and that was all to the good as well. A few seals, also quite well done if you like that sort of thing.

But mainly it's penguins. Lots and lots of penguins.

Celina hasn't shown up in the blog lately. She is a harder cat to photograph than Curtis. But here today, for the many Celina fans! She was interested in me taking the book photos.

You can be forgiven for thinking she disapproves. There is much she disapproves of. As you can see, quite a pretty kitty, but just not as photogenic as Curtis.

Your hit of colour for today. No, I have not discovered a jello fetish.

Deadwood of the Day

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