
Wednesday, November 27, 2019

I thought of the remaining Yukon photos,

It seems hard to believe, but I'm coming up on 3 months since my Yukon trip and the great many photos that generated. As you might remember, I have a smart folder that keeps track of which photos I blog (if I'm consistent in tagging them) and after 3 months they roll off the bottom of it. That folder has 219 photos in it right now, and 93 of them are edited photos from the Yukon trip.

I hadn't thought there were so many left. A few will never be published. Some are of dead wood and of specialized interest in my readership. I don't know and don't have any quick and efficient way of finding out how many would be left if I didn't include them.

My first thought had been to dump them all on the blog in a big extravaganza. Except no way 93 photos are going to go in one blog. What to do? What do do?

A short detour later to calm down cats panicked by a cell phone emergency alert test, and making lunch.

OK, it's snowing out as I write this on Wednesday, varying between hard and steady. There's a lot of white out there. So you get some colour. These are all from within the last 3 months.

Deadwood of the Day
This is about as colourful as dead wood gets.

1 comment:

  1. My buddy Susan commented on Facebook "1. Interested in this “smart folder” and how to get it.
    2. Love all the photos. I still have tons to get through and tons to put up... sigh 😔
    3. What the heck is that blue thing? Is it another mystery like the other (car fender???) did you ever reveal what that was? Did I miss it??"

    And my response:
    For Susan and Kelly.
    1. Smart folder is a Mac thing. Maybe something similar exists for windows, but I don't know. A smart folder is one where you don't have to update the contents. You build a set of rules, and the folder applies them.
    So for example. All the photos I edit in Lightroom go into a LReditedexports folder. There are 23,653 items in that folder, mostly jpegs but subfolders for various purposes. I want to deal with a smaller subset, and that's a smart folder.
    Go to finder, select new smart folder. It will walk you through selecting where to look and what search conditions to apply. You can save it so it shows up in your finder window. Then you never have to worry about it again.
    In my example, I wanted to see recent photos that I hadn't blogged. The smart folder search criteria are:
    -Kind is Image JPEG
    -Tags is not "Blog"
    -Tags is not "Sub" (I use this to mark sub folders I don't want to blog)
    -Created date is winton last 90 days.
    So when I want to blog a photo, I usually look in this folder, since that's where my recent exports are. As I blog a photo, I tag it blog, and it drops out of the folder. I have a similar one for within the last year, and that's where I'm searching for my deadwood of the day photos. There is another one for showing me what I've put onto Neil's Photowalk page so I don't gross you out with duplicates. Of course, you could have a smart folder for whatever search criteria you want.
    Now, the purists of you would say I should be tagging the photos in Lightroom, and that might work. But then I'd have to have Lightroom open to tag them as used, and I find Lightroom searching to be painful and clunky and non-intuitive and I hate using it unless I have to.
    2. Thank you!
    3. No I haven't said what the blue thing is. They are much smaller than a car fender. Hint. Go back to Nov 13 and look at Good Read, and Nov 12 for Penguins, and Nov 11 for Introspection. All of those really colourful photos are the same kind of thing. I made them. There are more photos elsewhere on the blog. Let me know if you need more hints.


Looking forward to reading your comment!