
Friday, November 8, 2019

A post walk abstract

It's been a busy day, though much of it was nervously watching other car traffic. People were very twitchy out there today. Perhaps the most exciting incident was the guy in front of me as I was driving south on 24th St in Braeside. He was in the right lane with his right signal on. I had every reason to believe he was actually turning right, and he started to. Then, right signal light still on, abruptly turned left, cutting through my lane and making me hit the brakes to avoid him hitting me, through the next lane over, then nearly taking out the poor woman in the left turn lane who was actually turning left and had no reason to expect a car to appear on her right, and scaring the crap out of the oncoming guy, since he was doing a shoulder check to change lanes because of bus stop construction.

Last night I was going back through some recent photos wondering if I'd overlooked anything. This one sort of caught my eye, and I tried dropping it into black and white, since it was essentially that anyway. Then I started playing with it some more, having fun with texture.

I played more with the tree branches from yesterday, trying one of the suggestions for the top left corner. As is usual for me, I just made things worse. I really must learn how that adjustment brush works. I'm probably missing something.

Deadwood of the Day

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