
Sunday, August 25, 2019

If this is retirement, I need to go back to work

Not because I'm bored. Certainly not! I've never been so busy in my life, I think. Where to begin? Since Thursday a week ago:

  • 5 nights of Global Fest fireworks show. Fun, except one night of big rain, and another of a snafu trying to get back downtown. Leaving from Marlborough Mall works ever so much better.
  • 2 full days doing photos for a theatre company kids camp. That was an amazing experience!
  • a partial day of photos for the theatre company.
  • 2 evening events for the theatre company, one was a night out at Cirque's Luzia show including a Q&A with some of the performers for the kids, and the kid's own performance on Friday.
  • A morning shooting a swim run race for my amazing buddies Rose and Richelle of Tri-it Multisport. (The racers run a bunch, splash into a lake and swim, get out and run more, swim more, run more, swim and get out onto a dock and jump back in, then do it all twice more, then run to the finish line. Yes, swimming and running in running shoes. You can see the proof in the photos on my race tab on the photo blog. Staying within 10 m of your buddy and some of them are tethered together. It's cheating to use your tether to trip other contestants. Yes, two of the contestants used their tether to have the adorable medals girl do some skipping.)
  • Editing 1300 or so photos from the race, and I'm still in the process of editing about 3400 photos from the theatre company camp. (Did I ever mention my camera with the lens I like to use for these shoots weighs 1.9 kg or 4.2 pounds?)
  • Custom editing some race photos for private sale.
  • Do a cat photo shoot at a dear friend's house while feeding cats as they go camping over the weekend. The people went camping. The cats stayed home to be pampered. (Just in case you were confused.)
  • Fit in a morning swim and a photo ramble with a dear friend.
  • Later today we're planning on going out to Canmore, but we're waiting to see what the weather does.
  • Starting to plan for a week in Yukon, including several days on the Dempster Highway, going north of the Arctic circle. (Can't wait!)
  • Plus all the other stuff in retired life, BBQ lunch or dinner and eating on the patio. Morning coffee. My own regimen of cat cuddling. 
If every week or 10 days was like this, I think I'd have to go back to work just for the more relaxed life. 

We are rooting for the Cana lilies! It was such a late and cold spring they didn't get a good start. Give this one a big round of applause and show the love!

Oh what the heck. The skipping rope photo is too cute for words.

Peony of the Day (July 7)

Driftwood of the Day

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on such a photo-spectacular week. Cheers, Sean PS Yeah Lily - you go girl.


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