
Monday, July 22, 2019

The bees this year so far

I worry about the bees. What with insecticides and colony collapse, they've been having a tough time of it. We are trying to do our part by making the garden bee friendly. I'm pretty sure there are tiny bee colonies in the nooks and cracks of our property. That's fine by me.

There are several different species working in the garden, and they seem to get along. Taking photos of bees is challenging because so often they are head down in a flower, hard at it. Bee butt photos can be very cute, and I know one of my readers just swoons when I get publish such a photo, but I'm more interested in their faces, and in a huge technical challenge, their wings in flight.

Still, because I like to make Susi swoon, here's a rerun.

Look carefully! Yes, I could crop in more to make her more obvious, but then I'd lose the composition.

Driftwood of the Day


  1. I bee leave! I too worry about our bumbling friends. Our tomato plants are not producing the same amount of fruit as they normally do. I believe it is in part because we didn't have enough bees in the area. We even made sure there were lots of purple flowers (they like purple) for them. Cheers, Sean

  2. Especially love the first shot! We've decided to turn some of our lawn into meadow for the bees and butterflies. So far, they're loving it!


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