
Thursday, July 25, 2019

Sheep River rocky green

Summer colds suck! We started The Crown, season one, and snarfed down much of a large bag of Cowboy popcorn. That was the 21st. I woke up the next day with a crazy scratchy throat and husky voice, complete with runny nose. Not sure how that happened. It's just as well Repsol has a swim competition on this week, so I don't feel guilty about taking the week off. My shoulders are killing me. It's getting better, and I've been out for some gentle walks and bike rides.

We finished off Season 2 Tuesday night, and I'm looking forward to season 3. I think season 1 was better because they strayed more from the Queen in season 2. I'd have liked to have seen more depth about the Suez Canal, since that's one of the major incidents in post war history. It's been fun comparing what actually happened as compared to the dramatization of the story.

The photos today are from the Sheep River valley tour. Yes I took a lot of photos and didn't want to overwhelm you. We had nice even light so there aren't any really harsh shadows to complicate things. I was loving the green against the jagged rock.

After overwhelming demand, here's a new feature! I tell you, there were so many cards and letters that the postman complained. My email inbox filled up again and again. Who am I to not do as my readers ask?

Peony of the Day
Going back to the earliest photos this year that haven't made it into the blog. There will be a white, a red, and a pink peony showing up. Strictly in order taken, skipping the ones that have already made it into the blog. You never know which will appear. There will be ants for sure.

This is June 27th, as the white and red are getting started.

Driftwood of the Day
I missed this one somehow. It's a throwback to Napier as I was experimenting on the beach trying to get some shots of the Milky Way. Unfortunately, the lights on the beach promenade are way too bright.


  1. Great location and I think it is a hidden gem. I kept returning to 9 (the one after the branch). Texture, colour, and the orientation of the rock all work well at providing multiple paths for my eye to follow. 10 nearly works but my experience with it is static. Cheers, Sean
    PS The previous 2 driftwoods of the day were particularly successful and the one from today is the beginning of an iteresting idea.

  2. I like 9 too for its lively colors and composition but it's 13 that first caught my eye. Both the water and the rocks on the right suggested movement to me. Go figure. Looks like a gorgeous spot.


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