
Monday, July 29, 2019

Macro Monday 31, flowers and almost a bee

Yesterday was a lovely day for photography, and yet a bit frustrating at the same time. Why? I missed composition by THAT MUCH several times. Lots of shots I didn't have the right lens. As I was just getting close enough anyways, some idiot let their dog off the leash and it frightened the heron. Then when I did get the right lens, the spider hid from me.

There I was, prowling around the garden in the evening sun to see if there were any nice shots. The light was on a flower that looks a bit like a sunflower, but more spiky. I had a thought for a shot, but 25-105 wasn't the right lens, although trying it showed me a spider web I hadn't seen before. Then with the macro lens I was trying to get dialled in on the spider in the web, but then it hid. So you'll have to console yourself with the web and some spider snacks. Only later did I think of misting the web so it would show up better.

Technically, since this is a peony, it could be the Peony of the Day, but then that would break my rules about that feature. But what I was thinking as I shot it, was sending it to my buddy Julie as a hair photo and asking if her products could help. (I'm so bad.)

This, too, is a peony.

A bee at about 2x, in flight, checking out a flower.

Lily spots.

Lily petal tip

A bee stalking some flowers. At first I wasn't going to edit this one, but then I realized the flowers are nice and sharp, and maybe the bee is more menacing (or as menacing as a friendly hard working bee can be) out of focus. (Out of focus only by THAT MUCH!)  Another mm or 2 and it would have been perfect.

All this is proof that it takes lots  of work, and lots of 'failed' photos to get the good ones. Then again, if it was easy everybody would do it and it wouldn't be any fun anymore.

Peony of the Day (June 29)

Driftwood of the Day

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