
Saturday, June 29, 2019

So many photos. So few words today

There are many thoughts percolating through my brain these days. There has been some interesting insights on the novel, and I'm actively working on fixing a major scene. It was written before I had some timeline issues nailed down, and it tried to do too much. Now I know the timeline, and the scene doesn't work anymore. Except there are parts that do work, that I like, and are the basis for something that happens later. So rewriting is happening.

There are blog thoughts happening as well. Like what should I be doing with it, and what goes on the blog, and why, and what my readers come here for. All sorts of thoughts. At least they aren't keeping me up at night.

I usually have no trouble writing a blog. I'll be doing something and it will practically write itself. I have some almost there, but the articulation part isn't happening. Not sure why, but I'm not going to fuss. While I was working on it, I got my June Image of the Month figured out and sitting in draft.

In contrast, right now there are 254 unblogged photos from the last 3 months. Flowers, wood, some rocks, landscapes, all sorts of stuff. A few I edited and now I wonder why, but sometimes you have to do that to realize what you thought you had isn't working. Some I edit because I like them, but don't really intend to blog them. So relax. I'm not going to dump all the photos at once on you.

But which ones get selected, and why? I try to mix up the photos a bit, so as to not overwhelm you with one thing, or bore you. (I dread you saying, ho hum another bunch of blahblahblah.) I know that my taste in photos isn't everybody's, and mine is evolving.

So for example. I was actually trying to get a reflection shot in a long puddle in the tree, while fighting off a swarm of bugs. Except the camera wouldn't "see" the puddle or the reflections. This is one of several tries and it got me thinking about micro-landscapes. The lines lines in the wood lead you into the plane of focus, with all sorts of stuff to look at as your eye swirls around, then you find a slightly out of focus backdrop, and an even more out of focus forest.

I was asked about the fence near what used to be a horse pasture several years ago. Yes, it's still there. I have this first one as an almost identical shot taken in the winter.

Which I can't find in the blog so I'm just going to put here again, and you'll just have to suffer through a brief hit of winter.

The grass is getting really long without the horses to work on it. Kind of a pity they didn't come back after the flood; lots of people liked to visit them.

In a bit of foreshadowing, here's a hint of what's coming. These are from exactly a year ago today. This year the flowers are blooming several weeks behind because of the brutal winter and spring.

Rock of the Day

Driftwood of the Day


  1. Love the mood in the last two fence shots. I can almost smell the grass warmed by the sun. Great rock shot too. What do I read your blog for? The photos, which I find inspiring, and the small glimpses into your day-to-day life. Oh, and your terrific rants, of course. Have a good day, my friend

  2. So there are good days and days where it is just important to do "the work". Fences as you know are a great interest of mine. I enjoy the color and composition in today's collection, and I especially enjoy the idea that these no longer have their original purpose. PS the subtlety of colours in the peony is lovely. Cheers, Sean


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