
Monday, May 20, 2019

Macro Monday 31, light on green blue

Light is important to photographers, which is much like saying air is important to humans. Without light there is no photography. So here's two nearly identical shots.

Nothing changed between the two shots except turning off the overhead light, and turning on the camera mounted flash. Same magnification, same settings on the camera, same editing in Lightroom. Quite a different looking shot. These are at nearly 5x with 68 mm of extension tubes.

I think the first one is more of a forest look, and the second one is more of an undersea look. What do you think?

I edited a couple more shots, but the more I look at them the less pleased I am. So you don't get to see them. Still, it was a fun time working on them. I'm getting better at setting things up and finding the focus. I'm trying to get away from simply shooting things to see what they look like, (and learn how to do it) though there is some interest in that.

The goal now is to find or create macro images that are interesting as images, and if they mess with your head on scale issues so much the better. This is harder than you'd think. Lots of things there is no detail at magnification.

In other news, it's a typical May long weekend in Calgary. It rained. It snowed. It was cloudy. It was cold. The sun flirted with us yesterday. Today the sun is rising on a beautiful clear hard frosty morning. Golly it's hard to type with a cat trying to sit on the keyboard.

No driftwood shot today, since they aren't macro. Never fear, there are many more driftwood shots in the queue.

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