
Friday, April 12, 2019

You don't want to hear about work, so I won't

Let's just say I'm glad it's the weekend. This wine is very good.

Spring is here, complete with a bit of heavy wet snow. Still, some flowers are up. This little one and some of his buddies are hard at it.

Not much else in the garden has bloomed yet, but there's lots of what we think are tulips coming up. Hope you're not sick of flowers.

There's a first for me coming up. I've been asked to photo a kids Easter egg hunt. I've never done such a thing before, so this ought to be fun. Documenting greed, avarice, cheating, stealing, and trampling is always a good time. I'll have to be careful though, get good at it, and they might ask me to take on politicians. (ba-da-bump!)

Driftwood of the day
Two ever so slightly different views, and one more from a little further along. Some driftwood is more captivating than others. There is sometimes more than one good shot. Sometimes I get them and can't decide which I like better.

1 comment:

  1. first colour - nice! To my eye the focus is softer on the 3rd photo but compositionally it is by far the best. I like the sideways v/u shape of the sand in the lower left. That sand helps to tell a short story of how sand ages the wood. That ever so short story isn't present in the other two. I'm finding the driftwood exploration interesting from a formal perspective. With a limited set of elements I like seeing what works and what doesn't. Cheers, Sean


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