
Monday, April 22, 2019

I'm back!

That was quite the change, living without WIFI for a few days. The only internet was through the cell on my phone. I briefly tethered it to the computer to get Lightroom fired up, then untethered it. A couple days catching up on keywording happened.

But I was thinking about the lack of internet. There was a bunch of times I wanted to look things up for whatever reason, and now I can't remember what any of them were. I guess it wasn't that important, or I'm losing what little grip I had.

Still, it used to be that you had to remember or make notes of what you wanted to look up, then find the appropriate reference book. Maybe the Yellow Pages to find out where that business is, to call (on a phone wired into the wall or that you had to find on the roadside and put money into) them to ask what time they were open till. Maybe a map, if it's recent enough, to look up where an address was, and the best route to get there. It was likely made out of dead trees and could well be out of date.

Maybe you wanted to do something, like order coffee, or pay bills (remember the bad old days when you had to actually go to the bank and stand in line, guessing which would be quickest), or check the status of a requested library item, and couldn't easily do it.

Then again, I wasn't as distracted so I got a bit of writing and photography done. Flowers are coming up in the front garden, and Linda found a couple lily beetles. I found some time to read, finishing American Gods. I love how Neil Gaiman tells a story.

In the midst of hunting for photogenic driftwood, I came across this little flower on the gravel beach. Nothing else like it nearby. Beats me how it gets enough to eat. You go little flower!

Driftwood of the Day
As you can probably tell, these two photos are the same chunk of wood.

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