
Tuesday, April 30, 2019


Snow, that is. Sigh. So you get some flowers. These are from Christchurch Botanical Gardens.

This is actually across the road from the gardens, in a building under restoration from the earthquake.

Driftwood of the Day

Monday, April 29, 2019

The texture of stone

Arrowtown is a little village that was part of the New Zealand gold rush. I'll bet you didn't know there was such a thing, but now you do. Mostly now they sell tourist knick-knacks and some lovely arts and crafts stuff. We could easily have spent the entire day strolling around the river park, and spending a bit more time in the shops.

There is lots of local stone used in buildings and retaining walls. I'm sure there are many lovely photos to be had if you have the patience to wait for the light. We had a lunch date so there was a bit of a deadline.

The non-panoramic view from between Arrowtown and Cardrona.

Driftwood of the Day

Sunday, April 28, 2019

These and then these

The last few days let me capture these.

Then late yesterday springtime in Calgary happened.

It isn't even that cold out today; it's melting fast as Linda shovels it onto her flower beds. Here's a memory of a warmer time. The first couple are from a walk along Moke Lake. That first one looks like it's out across a field or something, but no, it's almost straight up.

We ended up having lunch in Glenorchy, admiring the bird, and trying to fend off the real birds. They were cheeky and had no fear of people. Like Curtis always wanting to be helpful in cleaning up any food that Celina leaves, the birds clean up the scraps left by the humans.

Driftwood of the Day