
Tuesday, March 12, 2019

The great photo review is in progress

I've been working through the photo backlog, and I'm up to Milford Sound day. The main chunk of work is to do the HDR ones that I flagged. My laptop chugged on those. There are lots to edit that I had marked and never did. There are some I overlooked entirely for who knows what reason. A filthy laptop screen, probably. Some I marked to edit that are now meh.

During vacation I was chatting with my buddy Sean about groups of photos. There will be further discussion over beer with photos to hand. The theory is that when you look at several photos displayed together they influence each other. My thinking is that it makes sense to show you groups of photos that influence each other in happy ways, and are not just a group of shots of flowers, but I don't know anything of that. If you do, then I'd be happy to feed you some wine and talk about it.

As an example, here's some of the groups of things I shot. Lonely trees, driftwood, murals, flowers, cityscapes, beaches (but no BCC), reflections, birds, mountains, dark sky, Linda, scenic overlooks, museum displays, experiments to see if the camera would see a particular pattern of light that struck me, and on and on.

Part of it is the audience. Which is complicated for me. I know many of my small but loyal band of readers, but I suspect there are a few people reading that I don't know well. (Don't be afraid to comment!)

Some of these people are curious about us and our travels and are happy to look at ordinary travel photos. Some are photographers looking for interesting or art shots. Some are writers looking for interesting stories or my particular brand of humour. And Linda, she wants to see all the photos because they remind her of the trip and our experiences.

Then there's current photo stuff that will start soon, I imagine. So I still have no idea how or what I'll show you on a day to day basis. I'll try to tell a story about each. Some may relate back to a blog done on the day, and I'll try to reference those, but no promises. You'll just have to show up, not knowing what to expect.

We did public transit in Auckland. The system includes bus, train, and ferry service. One card, tag on, tag off, periodically top up. You can even set it to top up automatically so you never have to think about it. Get on, tap the card to the reader, pick a seat. Tap it to the reader on the way off, and get on with your life. WTF Calgary, how hard can it be? Let's stop dicking around and get on with it.

The view from the ferry on the way to Waiheke Island. I still think that tower is butt ugly.

You tell me. Is this a cleverly designed and carefully photographed model, or the real thing?

A view of our loft in Dunedin. The entrance is to the left, as is how you get up to the little loft. The bedroom and bathroom is along the brick wall. The bedroom is dark, and it's quiet. I'll stay here again if we go to Dunedin.

This is one of the reasons why I'm so happy to be doing this photo review, and blogging it. I discover interesting things I'd forgotten about. So these last 4 photos all have something in common, something you can discover from carefully reading this blog. Very carefully, I have to say. Some clues, which might be red herrings, to titillate my writer buddies.

Fish Creek, from 2017.

My dear friend MC waiting to check in for her IM 70.3 race.

We never figured out how to get to that beach.

This, of course is obvious.

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