
Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Walking and cable car and Linda

We set a new record today. 14.3 K. It started with down, then across, cable car up, then down, then up, cable car down, across, and up. I know the up is 126 m climb over a 1.27 Km walk.

I was on a photo roll, with lots of them turning out. I'm not going to give you all of them from today, that would overwhelm the blog. Here's a few.

Top of the cable car. That green wall way across the city is the main up and down part of our walks. We are over toward the left side of that.

This is a cool sort of sundial. There is analemma inscribed on the ground. Stand on today's date with your back to the sun, raise your hand, and you get the time. It was even right, too.

Some of Linda doing her thing.

I wished I could have waited for this Japanese maple to fully light up in the sun.

Some buildings downtown.

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