
Thursday, February 21, 2019

The great vintage auto detail photorama!

I just know that some vintage car buffs have been holding their breath just waiting for me to blog the parade. They'll just have to wait a little longer. These are details of the various cars that caught my eye the day before the parade. They were on display, and let me tell you, there was no shortage of people milling around trying to get photos. A few people were considerate, but most just milled.

The colours! It's hard to describe just how rich some of the colours were, and I'm not sure they've been captured accurately. It was mostly blazing sun, and odd reflections. Plus what I see in Lightroom is not what blogger shows you. That Buick 8 was RED.

Keep in mind these are not static displays behind a velvet rope. These are drivable, and are driven. Aside from the parade we saw many of them touring town. A few have signs saying no touching, but most are just out there like our everyday cars. Sometimes they are angle parked like every day (Wait, I'm trying to remember, does Calgary have any angle parking any more?) which makes things tough for a hard-working photographer.

Mostly I've cropped in pretty tight, sometimes this includes a logo, often not.  Hope you like the detail!

There are more. I know there is an archer one that I took several shots of, but that was after the parade. It will show up sooner or later because it was nice.

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