
Thursday, February 28, 2019

A week to go

For most of our trip we've spent a week in each place. We'd get there, full of things to do, places to go, and think we had lots of time. ZOOM!

We've had two weeks here, thinking it was a central place for lots of short day trips, and so it has been. But a week and a bit has gone by already in this apartment, and we have only a few days left here.

Then back to Auckland for a few days, then home to see our kitties that we've missed so much. We've had some photos from friends who very kindly dropped in and kept them company, and the sad face on Curtis nearly broke my heart. I'll take bets on if they're happy to see us, or if they're so pissed they turn their backs and ignore us.

I think today is another beach day, though the tide isn't favourable. At low tide you can walk to the north end and see a waterfall. High tide today is 2:15 or so. There are other things to do, places to go, however.

These are a couple places we've been along the way, and both of them are places I'd like to go back and have another go at in better light. These are both ordinary 'there we were' shots, but in the right light they'd be amazing. There's been a lot of that.

A scenic outlook on the road from Queenstown to Wanaka.

The wind turbine station near Wellington, which is right beside the back end of Zealandia eco park.

It's March 1 for me here, but not for you guys yet. In related news I'm working on Image of the Month.

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