
Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Baldwin Street for the win!

They aren't kidding about it being the steepest street in the world. In Calgary a street that steep wouldn't have to be plowed; the snow would slide off it like a quick glacier. They put concrete down instead of asphalt because asphalt would melt on a hot day and slump down the hill. I saw the video of the guy riding a scooter down it, and he is INSANE. We were walking carefully, up and down. That was after walking 10 K around town looking at murals.

My tri critter buddies can come here and do hill repeats, and they will CONQUER! It's a rough road (probably for traction) so I don't think you'd want to be going too fast on a bike, but if it was smooth, and there was enough of a run out at the bottom, and you trusted your brakes (you might need one of those parachutes) you might set a new land speed record.

In some places, the sidewalk is steps. Did I mention we walked carefully?

One thing about using the wide lens on this street is that the edge distortion completely disappears.

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