
Thursday, September 6, 2018

Tough sledding for the bees lately

I mean, look at this poor little guy.

We had some rain and it got caught. Then it's been getting cold enough for a risk of frost overnight. There are usually several bees huddled on the dahlias, waiting for it to warm up.

I envision a boss bee at the entrance to the hive, sending out bees on the last mission of the day. Telling them if they hustle they'll get back to the hive and all will be ok. Then it gets colder than they expect, or there isn't as much nectar as they would like. I'll bet the boss bee told them not to come back with less than a full load. They seem to be ok overnight though they are still a bit sluggish in the morning. I was watching one get started exactly like a tired teenager. It stretched all it's limbs out one at a time, looking up at me as if to ask why I was disturbing it.

This cute little bee bum was on my facebook page just for Susi, but here it is again for those who may have missed it.

Since I'm on a bee topic here, I might as well include this shot. I wasn't planning to take a bee photo, but as I was getting the settings right two bees flew in. It was kind of fun to watch them pushing each other around a bit.

We wrapped things up the last two nights and everything seems to have come through ok. Now we get a week or so of nice weather. We're sure going to get out and enjoy it while it lasts.

I took the new shoes for a run today, 4K 28 minutes flat. This is much faster than the other day, starting with legs that felt pretty tired at first. I suspect it's just me getting in the running groove again.  Just over the 1K mark I could feel myself relax and the cadence pick up. I wore them without socks and that seemed fine, but I'll try them with socks next time. The shoes feel a bit firmer on the balls of my feet and I think the drop is slightly different than my old shoes.

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