
Friday, September 14, 2018

Snow, again, so soon

It seems like only a few weeks ago that the snow stopped falling. And what the heck, it really only was a few weeks ago. Some photos from late April still had lots of ice in the back.

It was only last night that it started falling again. There I was, doing a photo shoot for Jayne on the occasion of her book launch, and there the snow was, falling.

The more tender plants are wrapped up, but it's been cold enough for long enough that I think almost everything is done for the year. Linda is thinking about what needs to happen to put the garden to bed for the year, and planning for next year already.

Still, there are some nice snowy roses shots, though I don't know what that first one is.

Oh, and you might have seen this one on Facebook already, but this is my buddy Jayne doing a reading from her new mystery novel, When the Flood Falls. Available at Owls Nest Books in Brittannia, or on line at Amazon, and maybe other places too.

1 comment:

  1. If you hadn't explained, I would have suspected that first photo was of a body wrapped in plastic.


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