
Friday, September 28, 2018

I found the red!

Not just red, a few bushes or leaves here or there, but RED!

I spent much of my grade school years growing up in Ontario. (No cheap shots from the peanut gallery about the extent of that growing up.) There are maple trees all over the place, and they explode with colour in the fall. For a while I lived near Hockley Valley road, which is near the top of everyone's lists for a scenic fall drive, and they aren't kidding. Scenic is barely adequate, spectacular is a better word. I didn't know how good I had it.

Calgary in the fall is orange and gold and yellow and evergreen green. It's beautiful, stunning even, if you get the right light and background. Like this,

Or this.

But red is rare. Until you find the ultra secret location, and you get this.

I'm seriously considering getting this printed big. Really big. Then stare at it on the cold white winter days that are coming.


  1. My buddy Heather said "That red is fabulous! I grew up in Northwestern Ontario where it's too cold for reds. I must say though, our yellows there did not glow as much as the yellows in Calgary."

  2. My buddy Sophia said "Wow!! I want to go see the red in person. You almost never see it in Calgary."

  3. My buddy Michelle says "I loved the tricolour maple trees in the fall, even though it always seemed to be rainy when I lived in Quebec and have lamented the lack of red since coming back to Calgary. Thanks for the RED!!!"


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