
Saturday, September 1, 2018

August Image of the Month

Photographers are all about the light. Sad to say, much of August had crappy smokey light. There are some things that can be done, of course, but even the traditional sunrise or sunset shots often don't come out nice. Why? Because the murk is so thick you can't see the sun at all. One day I was driving along 14 St, closer to noon than dawn. The sun was just becoming visible over the construction desolation. It was a pity I didn't have my camera for that great dystopian shot I could have shopped around to the local authors for a book cover.

Still, I was out shooting almost every day and ended up with 1058 photos to choose from. Many were failed bee shots. I ended up editing 155 photos, and these 20 made me say wow to myself. Some have not made it to the blog yet.

There's a bit of everything, macro, people, landscapes, skyline, flowers, and cats. Decisions, decisions.

2nd runner up. One of the pink lilies in the back patio garden, perfectly back lit.

1st runner up. Lots of patience is needed to get a good bee shot, but this is what makes it worth it.

And the winner! One of the little waterfalls in Big Hill Springs park. At first I liked the ones numbered 17 and 18 more, but I kept coming back to this one.

Which was your favourite, and why?

1 comment:

  1. Given these 3 photos my preference is to flip the order. All are well crafted and well composed. Structurally the lily has repeating triangles which holds my attention. And then there is the translucent petal with dancing stamens briefly frozen. The vibrating turquoise is also striking. In other words, I prefer the first one because for all its simplicity, it has the most going on. Cheers, Sean


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