
Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Lunch, with roses

One of the joys of being retired is spending time with friends without having to zoom back to the office. There were a few lunches during the recent work spell and they were nice, if a bit truncated.

But how nice is this place? I totally loved the decor, mainly because I don't think it's decoration. I think this is the way it is, and has been for some time.

It's in High River, and I had a wonderful lunch with my buddy. I was sitting with this view, and was fascinated by the photographer. He clearly knew the staff and was showing them some photos on the back of his camera. I chatted with him a bit later, but didn't get his name. Mainly now when I see people carrying nice cameras I'm curious about what it is. He showed it to me, we chatted about some of the challenges using it, and that day's photos (a dragonfly in flight!) it takes wonderful photos. The Canon cognoscenti will know what 5DsR means. For the rest of you it means bring lots of money.

Yes, that's a train running around the track near the roof. It's a lovely small town diner, and it was full at 1pm. We scored a booth at the back. The chicken soup was the best I've ever had in a restaurant.

I've known this particular buddy since some time in 1985 or so, and there's been lots of changes since then. We used to see each other quite often when he lived in Braeside, but Okotoks is a little further away.

Now this week I met up with a buddy I've known even longer, though our visits are more periodic. Again, much to talk about, particularly the transition from working full time to retirement.

This morning was a slow start, after an amazing fireworks show from the Philippines last night. Holy doodle! This afternoon was spent with my laptop in the back patio. The smoke is worse than yesterday, but not as bad as downtown, so it wasn't bad at all. I have to admit it wasn't the most productive writing session ever. I may have napped.

Here's some roses for you flower buffs.

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