
Monday, August 27, 2018

Bee moustaches!

I'll bet you didn't know that bees had moustaches. The things you learn reading this blog. I've been wanting to get a backlit shot of the orange dahlia, and the light hasn't cooperated lately. Today there's been brief bouts of sunshine so I was out looking. Then I noticed the bees were kind of sluggish and seemed willing to pose for their moment of fame. I hustled back in and got the extension tubes. 90 shots later I came in to find about a dozen were worth looking at, and these 4 were the best of the bunch.

This one made me go wow! It's in the running for image of the month.

I know my buddy Susi will be disappointed there are no cute bee bums here today, but she can console herself with the purple.

1 comment:

  1. How generous of the bees to stop to pose - nicely done.


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