
Thursday, June 14, 2018

A semi-random collection with a feeble segue

Here is a semi-random collection of colour for you to enjoy. There is a thread connecting them all, aside from being pretty, and being in the garden. Feel free to guess.

One of the things I did at a previous job was to build a simplified entity relationship diagram for a pipeline database, to make it easier to connect the threads between tables. Usually it's straightforward to sort out the keys between tables, but not in that database.

I am seriously thinking I need to do the same in this job, if I get the time. The last place I was querying Maximo data, there was mainly locations, assets, and attributes, with a side of location hierarchy. This one I'm diving into considerably more arcane stuff. If you've ever had to do anything with Failure Codes, and Use in Description, and ensuring sets of attributes were congruent, you know what I'm going through. There are a lot of really similar table and field names. I'm quite sure that ease of use by SQL users was not top of mind for the Maximo designers.

Yes, the garden is doing well. The tulips are mostly fading, but the roses are coming on strong. The clematis all seem to be doing one, and one is producing enormous beautiful blooms. The lilies are a ways from blooming yet, but we haven't seen very many lily beetles lately, so we hope they've got the idea they aren't wanted here. And yes, the white peony is exploding!

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