
Wednesday, May 9, 2018

First peony bits

I just love peonies. Other plants too, of course. once the lilies get going it's hard to look elsewhere, but I do.

But there's something about the little peony claws that just get me. Sort of alien looking things, reaching up to clutch and grab something. These are the two oldest peonies, the first one red, the other one white.

I can't wait till they bloom. Remember that white peony shot with the bloom backlit by the sun? I want to try that with the red ones this year, that should be a challenge. Plus the ants love peonies, and I can't wait to try out the macro lens on them.

Linda went and got yet more peonies. They probably won't bloom this year as they settle in, but the ones we planted a couple years ago should start. Stay tuned!

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