
Tuesday, April 3, 2018

An actual run. Really.

Much of my workout life has been in the pool lately. This getting old isn't for sissies. I wouldn't have called myself injured over the last year or so, but there's been a lot of cranky body issues, mainly involving almost everything from low back to knees.

I've mentioned my swim getting back to what I think of as normal, which is nice. Often I include some water running, and some core in the pool. Let's not even talk about the bike. I was on it for an easy spin last week, and while there wasn't actual pain, there wasn't any actual strength either.

My legs have been feeling much better lately, so even though it isn't quite spring yet, it's nice enough I've been wanting to get out for a run. Regular readers will recall that I've often been out in seriously minus WTF temperatures. None of that this year. There's been lots of ice under the snow what with the way the first few snowfalls went, and the slackassery of my neighbours. Plus a big helping of slackerpants attitude on my part.

But today was the day, at last. Good footing with all the sun melting off the sidewalks, and temperatures about zero. I was really good about getting my legs warmed up in the house, then a much longer walk than normal to warm up.

The business end of the run was 3K in 20:52 for 7:13 or so per K pace. That was way better than expected. The first K felt pretty good, in a clunky stiff way that was no surprise for not really running in months. I was pleased at the pace number, since I thought I was running really slow. The second K felt even slower and clunkier, with my right hip talking to me a bit, but was almost exactly the same pace. A long even downhill will do that for you. The last K is mostly uphill, and was (surprise surprise) the same pace, or very slightly quicker. Imagine that.

Then a medium long walk to cool down, and a long session of stretching, rolling my legs with the gear, and feet up the wall.

It all still feels pretty good much later in the day. Let's see how it feels in the morning.

I'm hoping to try to get more regular with the running again. Last summer wasn't much, but the year before was really good. I was really enjoying getting out for some of the longest runs of my life, and while I don't plan on going as far, I'd like to be enjoying it as much. I had the goal of running along all the Calgary waterways, and did almost all of them. The only significant part I missed was the canal to Chestermere, and now there's some new paths.

Part of that regularity is going to have to be paying really good attention to how things feel, and stopping before I have to stop. More shorter runs are going to be better than fewer longer runs. The weather getting nicer is going to make it easier. I'd love to settle back into 5 to 10 K runs feeling good again.

I've run past this view a number of times, and even at that time of year, but this one was during an early March photo ramble in Edworthy park.

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