
Sunday, February 25, 2018

The blahs

No rainbows and unicorn poop today. Isn't that one of the complaints about social media, that all you see is the good stuff, other people putting on the dog, and leaving you feeling all empty and lonely in your pathetic life?

It's been a blah month for me. Lots of cold weather, a cranky hip keeping me from good sleep and good workouts, and not succeeding as much as hoped in my Facebook/Instagram vacation. Which is still happening, aside from one brief visit to accept a friend request. I'm sort of looking forward to getting back into the groove, but I'll certainly be spending less time there. I'm thinking a session in the morning and maybe another later in the day.

It hasn't been a complete failure. I've spent more time reading both fiction and non-fiction, which was one of the goals. The fiction was The Expanse. There were several non-fiction books, most lately a Paul Zizka book called The Rocky Mountains Rediscovered. It's full of lovely photos. I was drooling a little bit at some of them. Most of them. Almost all of them. But I know in my heart of hearts that I'm not gonna take up mountain climbing to get some of those kinds of shots. Sorry guys.

Working on the book has happened. I figured out a new opening that works better for all concerned. I've also been noodling through a particular scene at a funeral. Not a downer, since one of the versions I was mentally writing ended up with two characters having long overdue sex. No, not at the funeral, they're horny, not perverted. Not sure that will make into the actual writing, but it gave me some clues where they are mentally.

Workouts have sucked, though. Even the idea of daily stretching and core has withered and died, to say nothing of the actual activity. There's been a few swims, and the mojo is there about as well as can be expected for the number of times I've been to the pool. I've regretted the little bit of water running I did after some of the swims. Let's not even talk about actual running, or getting on the bike for a spin session.

Some house stuff has happened, in a semi-erratic sort of way. Two wine kits have been started and are burbling away.

The photography, you ask? I've a number of nice rambles this month, but my head hasn't really been there. I'm not sure why. Last night I was looking over photos from this month, thinking about the Image of the Month. Let me tell you, it's slim pickings. Not sure why. Something about it being cold out, with lots of blah light because I've been a slackerpants not willing to get up for dawn, or go out for night shots.

Here's a couple more from my ramble south of Calgary earlier this week.

 This hill is why I didn't drive the car here. It's much steeper than it looks, and those aren't just snow machine tracks by the fence on the right. Such a lovely blue sky though!

I liked the meandering line of the bottom of the gully.

Another distant skyline shot with some inversion haze.

If you look carefully at the trees, you'll remember seeing another version of this a few days ago.

So yeah, I'm ready for warmer weather. I can't wait to see some leaf green show up in my camera. 

1 comment:

  1. Just reading this now for some reason. Sounds to me like you had a bad case of the February blahs, my friend. Hang in there. Spring is coming and it's bound to make us all feel better. You haven't taken as many photos as normal but you've still captured some terrific images. I really love the skies in the first and last of these. As for working out, I'm right there with ya! After a couple of months of doing diddly squat, I've got my work cut out for me if I'm going to be ready to run the Bluenose 15k in late May. Having to practice patience big time since I seem to hit the wall around 3.5k at this point! Ugh. You know, a winter in NS might be just what the doctor ordered...


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