
Thursday, October 19, 2017

Win some, lose some

The win part has been the running. I'm getting out regularly and it's feeling pretty good. Only 2 days of spin so far, one easy and one moderate. This gets chalked up in the so far so good column. The swim still sucks.

The new glasses were a win. Five years is long enough for one pair. The new ones are much clearer, but the prescription has changed a bit and I'm hunting for the sweet spot a bit. This complicates life for photography, especially when you're playing with depth of field. I've been looking at a bunch of photos and wondering if the photo or parts of it is out of focus, which might be a good or bad thing, or it's just my eyes and glasses playing tricks on me.

I was out in South Glenmore park yesterday afternoon, and found some interesting stuff. However what I saw, and what the camera captured are not the same at all. I'm quite disappointed in some of the shots that I thought would turn out well. One expects that of some shots, of course, but this was most of them. Almost all of them.

This is the only one that I like even a little bit, and I'm still not entirely pleased with it. There were a number of other shots taken with the same idea that I thought would turn out better, but no. Such is life.

The sky has been interesting lately, but I haven't been in the right place for a good shot, and unwilling to dash to what might be the right place. Sometimes when the coffee is really good...

I'm in this odd sort of hiatus just now. There are some winter projects lined up, but it's still nice out so I don't want to start burrowing into the basement and doing indoor stuff. It looks like we've got another week of nice weather, so I really ought to be out doing stuff, but I'm temporarily feeling uninspired about it, which is sort of odd for me. Any photo buddies have any projects they'd like company on?

Maybe the steak about to go on the BBQ, the spud and veg, plus (of course) the red wine will get me feeling better.

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