
Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Not sure what it is, but it's pretty

A new flower showed up today. We're not sure what it's called. I love the ruffled orange centre.

That one is just out of frame on the right in this photo.

Another yellow tulip opening up. I almost love this stage for photography more than the fully open stage. Here you get a hint of a peek at the centre, and there are layers of texture right where you can see them and get lots in focus.

In other news the war on the lily beetles is continuing. I've been spraying a dilute tea tree oil on the lilies and it seems to be working. We don't see many anymore, but we keep hunting them. It's very satisfying to crush their little carapaces with a splintering crunch. I think the ants take away the remains. Pity the ants don't take on the beetles while they're alive.

It's still cold here. All the bedding out plants are safely tucked away. All the geraniums froze to death a few nights ago. They say it might snow overnight. Such is springtime in Alberta.

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