
Monday, May 1, 2017

April Image of the Month

It's that time of the month again. Here's the two runner ups, an abstract from each series that I'm working on currently.

And the image of the month!

Curtis is of course an exceptionally handsome and photogenic cat. I have have many good photos of him, but many of them are fairly easily reproducible. This one of him partially in shadow is not. I love how the morning light is strong enough to light up individual strands of his fur, but not wash out the white. This leaves a lovely shadow framing him, setting off the rich and creamy shades of orange in his fur. Even for a cat this is a thoughtful and meditative pose.

My photoblog has had a couple Gallery updates, one to the Landscapes, and one to the Skyline. I've noted a few that should be added to the Still Life Gallery. Stay tuned.

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