
Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Attacked by a water polo ball

Monday was lovely. 1 K swim nice and easy, 18:45, short course. After swimming a bunch of long course lately, it sure seemed like I was doing a lot of turns.

Ran after work and filled in another hole on my map. Walked from work to 1st SW and the Bow path, ran to the Skipping Stone bridge, across, over to the red Peace bridge, and back to the start for exactly 6K, 37:30. I finally nailed the gradual build! As long time readers know, I suck at it. There was very little room between moving at all, and moving at top speed. Today the first 3 K were each pretty well right on 6:30, and then 6:16, 6 even, then 5:45! I can't remember the last time I ran a k that fast! It was a bit of a breezy day for a run, but you've got to love the scenery!

Tuesday was Costco hell. Enough said.

Wednesday was the day of the treacherous assault day. I'm in the training pool, in the lane closest to the hot tub. The swim kids have just got out. Nobody else in the lane. Abut three strokes in I knew it wasn't going to be a swim worth talking about. Part way down the lane I thought I brushed my fingers against another person, then the next stroke was full on contact. At first I thought I'd grabbed some backstroker boob, and was mortified, then realized that something wasn't quite right. I popped up and looked, and there's the ball.

I toss it to the side, finish the lap, and there it was again! It bumped my head and again I panicked. I swam with it down to the end, and tossed it in with the swim kid stuff and the reels of pool lane dividers. Tried another lap, and damned if the ball wasn't there waiting for me! I guess all the tile subtly slopes to the pool. Threw it onto the goal nets stored nearby, and there it stayed.

The swim didn't get any better though. I was tired and sloppy. I missed my swim buddy somehow. I think she was done and on the way out by the time I got there.

Then the run this evening. Ick. My phone says 5K 35 minutes and I don't believe it. The audio I get every K with the numbers was coming much sooner than I was expecting. I had turned on an internal pedometer for iSmoothrun, but I turned it off after. I think I really ran about 4.5 K, which is a 7:45 pace, which is what it felt like. Slow. Clunky.

Quite the contrast to Monday. I think I was tired from that run, which was essentially nearly race pace on a warm day, plus a couple nights of crappy sleep. Bed soon, hope this is better. Looking forward to a 4 day weekend. We have at least some plans. Do you?

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