
Friday, April 1, 2016

First hot outside run of 2016

But first, catchup.

No, I did not blow a gasket during yesterday's rant. You could be forgiven for thinking so, and just imagine what it would have been like if written before I'd had something to eat. It was almost a meltdown, though. I'll give you that.

Last you heard I had a great Saturday run. Sunday was an hour easy spin. No heart rate surprises.

Monday 1 K 19:45 long course, feeling really slow in the pool. 3x100 wondering how I've done this before. 200 easy.

Tuesday 30 min easy spin, then stretching, yoga, a teeny tiny bit of core.

Wedesday the swim mojo was back! 500 m 8:55, then 3 x 100 on 2, 1:35, 1:38, 1:40, and I could feel it coming apart on me so I stopped. My shoulders felt good, then that evening they were complaining again. Good massage in the afternoon.

Thursday was a rest day. I've had a really good training week over all.

Here's my monthly calendar.

The map project goes well, I've got most of Glenmore reservoir done and maybe Sunday I'll start along the Elbow to downtown. Or maybe along the Bow. Hmmm. It's supposed to be gorgeous again, a perfect day for running. I've been keeping track on an old map from 2007, and haven't yet got a 2016 map.

Today was a lovely day out. Warm, almost hot. Sunny. By hot I mean high teens. Of course I wore shorts and a tech shirt. 6 K, 41:30 or so. I don't think I left long enough between a yummy lunch and the run. I was feeling a bit heavy and sluggish. I ran down through Fish Creek but I don't know what the excitement was. The police helicopter was fluttering overhead, and as I chugged up the 24 St hill, 4 police cars zoomed into the park.

Overall it felt pretty good to be out in the sunshine, working up a bit of a sweat at the very beginning of April. The only way it would be better is on a beach.

The garden is looking like it's about to spring into full speed ahead. We will have to spend some time on the yard and garden this weekend. There's something odd about this. Normally we don't have to do this until late May.

Today we went to South Centre mall for CANstruction. There are some amazing creations you might want to check out if you live near Calgary.

This first one is amazing and won the best structure prize. The top of the wings are nearly 6 feet up. They must have had to stack the cans very carefully.

I just loved this one, and the view from the back is just as impressive.

How could I not love this one most!

In the good news department, the city has swept the part of 37 St over the Fish Creek bridge. However, going north from 130 Ave has not been swept. There is construction happening along Anderson where they are putting in a pedestrian bridge. Part of the 37 St bike path just north of Anderson is closed.

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