
Wednesday, January 7, 2015

These boots are made for hiding

And that's just what they did. (How many of you are humming now? How many are puzzled by the question? Yes, I'm old enough to remember when the original was getting airplay.)

I went years without such boots. In Calgary that almost makes me a pervert. I broke down a few years ago and bought them. I don't wear them that much, as I'm not used to wearing a heel. Last summer I had the hankering to wear them again. And couldn't. And couldn't and couldn't and couldn't.

This was one of the things driving me to tidy and organize the basement. It turns out the boots weren't down there after all. I wasn't even looking for them when I pulled a stack of blankets, quilts, and pillows out of a closet for something else entirely. And there the box was. I did the Snoopy dance.

Sunday and over the vacation I was feeling pretty good. Monday I was feeling just a little creaky getting up early for work. Having to get up, I mean. I was often awake at that time. By the end of the day I was a wreck. My back hurt, my feet hurt, everything hurt.

Being really, really cold had nothing to do with it, and neither did the new shoes from MEC. I don't know what caused it. That was Monday and Tuesday. Bleah. Snow shoveling in minus WTF cold wasn't much fun. An extra hour driving home didn't add to the joy either.

Swimming this morning was abruptly arrested. One of the pools was still closed, and the other was full of swim club. The dive tank was full too. I joined the party in the hot tub, then showered and headed into work. Nice massage this afternoon pummeling away the last of the creakiness earlier this week. Yoga tonight.

The interest exercise was a mental one, on Tuesday I think. I looked for every instance of " very " in my current writing project. The intent was not to replace it with null, but to evaluate the text around it, and try to say it better. Many times, of course, just taking it out makes it better. But there was probably a dozen places where I rewrote the paragraph to make it all better. What got me thinking is that the writing could go 10's of thousands of words without a single instance of it, and then there would be a whole bunch all in a row. And that's after lots of editing. Clearly more is needed.


  1. Keith - of all the things I ever imagined that you might own, I 'm quite sure cowboy boots weren't even on the list. Definitely the surprise of my day.
    How's the basement coming.

    1. Glad I surprised you! And thanks for commenting Deloris, I think this the first time for you here. Even though I'm a staid old stick, occasionally I rise to the occasion of surprising someone.

  2. I've lived here almost 18 years...still no boots. Am I an "almost pervert"?


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