
Saturday, October 4, 2014

I touched them!

There they were, out in the open.
So softly curved, with a hard protrusion.
I not only touched them, I gently fondled them, hoping the owner wouldn't get annoyed.
They felt so nice in my hands, fitting so well.
Firm, but natural, no saline enhancements.
I enjoyed it, and didn't hear any complaints from the owner.
One was bigger than the other, but this isn't unusual.

Scroll down for the lust inducing semi-NSFW explanatory photo.

Thursday was a typical blustery late fall day. I wanted to stay in bed, but got up and dragged myself to the pool. 750 m in 14:30, feeling pretty good once I got going, but it got very sloppy at the end. Water ran after.

Friday I was back at the pool again, after dragging my butt out of bed. I was really undecided about going, figured I should suck it up. It was tempting to leave work early, and swim in the afternoon. I've done that a few times, and it's just lovely with the whole pool to myself.

But the thing is that by doing the swim first thing, it's done, and can't be undone. Whereas if I waited till the afternoon, it might not happen. I fear my new co-workers are going to be good about ambushing me just as I'm about to bail out for the day.

The swim started slow and creaky, then I found the groove. Or it found me, whatever. I swooshed back and forth enjoying it. Katie was a couple lanes over and was still going faster than me. Way faster. One year I'll be able to keep up. I did some intervals, trying to get back into those too. Progress is happening. Once again I've proved to myself that if I want to improve I need to be in the pool 3 times a week. At least.

Friday evening we cracked a Nero d'Avola that is about 6 months in the bottle. It is amazing! We loved it, and I think it's going to be a favourite here. Light and fruity, with enough muscle to hold it's own with lightly spicy food. Then again, I'm partial to Italian wine, so you can take that with a grain of salt. All the more for me. It went perfectly with mushroom and garlic ravioli, with a spicy tomato sauce.

Then we finished off season 2 of Elementary. Loved it! The last part of the season dovetailed together very nicely. Great performances all round. This is well worth getting from the library or renting an episode or two to see if its to your personal taste

I was reminded that NaNoWriMo is coming up fast. At least one of my NaNo buddies already starting to plan. While cleaning out the garage today I was thinking about doing a sequel to where The Bone in the Digester ended up. Really ended up, not where the publishing world will end it because that's the right place.

So really, I need to think of a title for the second part of Bone, where it veers from being a mystery to being more science fiction, and then think of a title for what happens after that. Which might be a bit of a darker novel, wherein Dwen discovered deep and important secrets. This is the same Dwen that shows up in The Sweet Elixer, last year's NaNo novel, where she is recognized as a special person, but we don't know why. This should be fun, building out how Bone and Elixir tie together. I just had more ideas. Hmmm, better finish this off.

So here's the promised photo.

What were YOU thinking?

I think the iPhone 6 will be the choice. I can at least handle it securely in one hand. The + is just too big. It slipped out of my hand once, and I found myself doing everything with two hands. That might not be convenient sometimes.

So now I need to figure out what to do with my faithful iPhone 4. Keep it as a standby camera when I'm out for a run and it's really cold? I don't really want to keep it alive on my current plan just to take on runs and bike rides because it fits into my pockets. Linda doesn't want it as a pass me down phone, and it has some habits that wouldn't be good for a non-tech geek person. If she was going to move up to a smartphone, I'd suggest the iPhone 5C.

What suggestions do you guys have for the iPhone 4? Back up the data and trade it in for whatever I'll get? It's in good shape, no scratches or cracks, battery is still pretty good. Transfer it to Linda as a phone only on a 3g month to month plan, no data? Can you get a data plan by the MB at a reasonable price so I can turn it on for rides and runs and not worry about my good phone? Any advice?

Don't forget, I tweaked the comments setup, so some of you that were having trouble commenting might be able to now. Moderation is on, so it might take a bit, depending on what I'm up to.


  1. NaNoWriMo! I'd forgotten all about that. I used to live in Berkeley and regularly hung out to work in the cafe where the organizers worked, but I knew nothing about it until a friend of mine back in BC was doing it. She was very jealous of my cafe. I was just clueless.

    1. Hi triprof, thanks for commenting. Took a quick visit to your blog, will have to come back a bit later and read more. I did it last year and had a blast, looking forward to writing with more buddies this time. Maybe you'll join us?

  2. My 4 is going on eBay now that I inherited hubby's 5S. I don't notice that much difference & am limiting data usage since we are no longer on the generous couples plan.

    1. I looked at a 5c but wasn't tempted, even at the low contract price. I'll be curious to know what you get for your 4.

  3. I am sticking with my current phone, bc hubby's is the same mine (4S) and eventually he will get a 6. I really only need it for text, phone, photo, and maybe a couple of apps.

    Sounds pretty relaxing these days for you both, which is great.

    1. I admit there is part of me that wants to stick with the 4. I have a problem with getting rid of things that are still working, and it is. Except for the times when the main button doesn't work and I have to press it again, and sometimes again. I suppose I should do up a business requirements document to see if it's worth buying or not.

  4. Hmm, what to do with the old 4... Is the contract up on the phone and can it be unlocked? If so someone may find value in buying an old phone. Would be worth it to see. My old 4S is no longer on the network. I use it at nights to run a sleep app that monitors my sleep and wakes me up. I think because the phone has to be plugged in overnight to run the app and not drain the battery that it may have negatively impacted battery life for the actual I don't want to run the app with my new phone.

    My old 4S was dying a slow death with its crummy battery life, camera app that kept crashing and broken lock button which meant I could never power the phone back on if I turned it off. I bought my 6 outright from Apple so it is unlocked and I can swap out SIM cards when we travel outside of Canada now.

    Good luck with your decision!


Looking forward to reading your comment!