
Saturday, August 23, 2014

gears and zero drop

Is this not fearsome looking? How could I not buy it?

It already has the Linda seal of approval for how it worked over her shoulders.

Believe it or not, I went to a shoe sale the other day. One of these things is not quite like the others.

Mine were samplers in the $50 box. I don't have especially wide feet, but my little toes sometimes feel the pinch. When I saw how roomy the toe box was I had to try them. These are zero drop shoes, meaning the distance between both the heel and the ball of my foot to the floor is the same. Most shoes have a built up heel.

I've done a bit of barefoot running. A very little bit. It's good for reminding yourself of what a mid-foot stride is, since it's essentially impossible to run on your heels barefoot. Of course, that exposes your feet to anything that might be on the ground or path. Let's not talk about that.

I had thought I'd like to try a zero drop shoe, but was unwilling to bet full price on liking them. At less than half I'm willing to go for it. Today was actually my first run in them, and I don't have the first idea how far or long I went in them. Just knowing the neighborhood, I'm thinking not quite 2 K.

The GPS was terrible today, both apps lied their faces off. In 25 minutes running, they both thought I'd done nearly 7 K. NOT! I started with my Asics and ran maybe 2 K, just enough to feel warmed up. Then I changed into the Atra's and headed out. I was astonished how light and stable my feet felt. My quads were a bit tired but that's a typical thing these days. Toward the end I could feel the very beginning of a calf twinge, but if I hadn't been paying attention I probably wouldn't have noticed it. Then it was back into the Asics for maybe another K or so, which was almost a bit of a shamble at the end. My feet felt really clumsy in the Asics.

Throughout this I was getting the most amazing pace times, but I didn't believe a word of it. At the time I thought that whatever it was measuring, it would at least measure consistently, and I'd be able to tell where I changed shoes by the big change in the pace line. Tell me, can you see where I changed shoes?

Thought not. Sometimes I wonder why I bother. Here's the crazy map. Linda thinks it looks like a savage dog.

Friday was another swim lesson. My buddy is doing great! The biggest problem to overcome now is learning to roll to breathe. We did some exercises there, but I'm really pleased at the progress so far. I got kicked out of the teach pool for a bit, and I managed to get in some hard sprints.

Even when I swim I'm one of the first people into work these days, and I got this neat reflection shot just down the hall from my office.

And lastly, one of the more adorable photos of Curtis and Celina. How can I not publish this?

Celina was grumbling at me while I was writing, complaining that Curtis gets all the photo action, and that she's much the prettier kitty, so I should include more of her. So here she is.


  1. Should I get some of those whacky shoes? I tend to be curious but I also doubt the shoes are keeping my 10k over 50 minutes.

    1. If you come to the book club meeting you can try them on. Your feet are likely about the same size as mine.

  2. I agree with the savage dog interpretation-I see it too. Ahh yes...doing the roll to breathe...that's exactly what I plan to conquer over the winter.

    1. We were trying a neat exercise. I think it will work. Next time we get together I'll explain it.

  3. Am I the only one who doesn't know what that first picture is about?

    As for your run - and the picture - did you see the article about the woman who maps out her route so her garmin will 'draw' a picture? Check it out:

    Love the picture of the cats - awww!

    1. That was effect I wanted with first photo! I will explain all, hopefully with other pics later.
      I've seen such planning happen, though I hadn't seen that one. One guy spelled out 'marry me' in a route map that he took his girlfriend on.
      Best cat pic ever!

  4. It looks like you are getting interference from people's wifi along the way from the cat's cradle map that should have a much smoother line. Try turning wifi off with RunMeter and RunKeeper... or just use iSmoothRun.
    "Kicked out?" That's mean. Are you sure you weren't being given an opportunity to get some of your own training in? ;)
    That's my fave pic of the cats EVER. I didn't realize Curtis was curled around Celina until you pointed it out.

    1. Might have been wifi, normally I turn it off before a run. Maybe I missed the swipe.
      Of course I was given the opportunity, by the kind and generous student who thinks I'm missing out somehow, but doesn't quite realize I really really like figuring things out, and watching a swim to suggest what and how to make things better is a wonderful challenge for me. I can swim anytime, almost.

  5. After reading Michelle's comment I went back to look at the cats pictures-that IS two cats. So cute!

    1. Yup, two cats, in a space I didn't think was enough room for one.

  6. Love the cat pictures, and totally agree Celina should get more airtime. Glad you had such a good run in the new shoes. Hope they continue to be the cat's meow. :-) See you soon!


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