
Sunday, June 8, 2014

Run and yard, with lots of photos

Let's get exercise out of the way first. Swam Thursday, very nice. 1 K swim 19:15 nice and easy, another 20 minutes of water running.

Real running on Sunday! Two of my running buddies, (these ones!)

totally showed up, all matchy matchy without advance planning and dragged me out for a nice run in Fish Creek. We did a bit of a trail run from bridge two scramble up the hill and through the nice meadow, then back down and around to the bottom of 24 st where we started. Just near the beginning we met up with a huge, gigantic, enormous 11 month old great dane. It could probably have eaten our heads it was so big. It had to reach down to sniff my crotch. Troll Michelle's blog, she got some photos of it, and may post them. Along the way there was a nice photo of Fish Creek, calm and quiet.

We had a beautiful run with a bit of a scramble in one place. Nice and easy pace, all of us getting our legs back after "racing" last weekend. It was more important for us to get outside, hang with buddies, chat, and get our legs used to moving again. I used the term advisedly, since while we were in a race, none of us were actually racing. Subtle distinction. It ended up being about 4.5 K, and I only know that because I overheard Michelle's phone talking to her about it.

We came back home to find Linda had made these wonderful chocolate chip cookies, and you'd never know they were gluten free. Then we drank lots of coffee, sat in the lodge, ate cookies, and chatted. I can't think of a better way off had to spend a morning.

Saturday I was scrubbing rocks, trying to get the gator dust off them. The rocks are black, but the polymer in the gator dust makes them look sort of whitish. I was using a putty knife to clean off the bits of the dust clumped onto the rocks. Then I was hauling the organic mulch to the back, while Linda spread it around.

On Sunday after the run, I was put to semi-hard labour, toting cedar mulch back to the big flower bed. At least it's light.

Here is planting in progress from last week.

Planting and mulching done! Yay us!

Along the way I was watering the bed underneath the back bay window, and startled Curtis from sleep. He was watching the hose with deep fascination. You have to look a little to see him in the shot. These big orange cats you know, masters of disguise.

Here's the two beds on either side of the steps at the back of the house.

All in all it's been a busy, wonderful weekend that disappeared in a blur of work and happy times with buddies. How was your weekend? Is your garden whipped into shape? Are you all recovered from races and training going well?


  1. Your backyard looks great Keith & Linda and it was wonderful to enjoy it with you this morning! The lodge is luxurious with reindeer skins... Thanks for the delicious gluten-free cookies Linda and the gourmet pressed coffee Keith. I laughed so hard when Sophia and I both showed up in our matchy-mathcy shirts from last year's Stampede Road Race. We must have both just been thinking about it as it is our next race coming up. What a perfect morning!

    1. We loved having you over! I was totally surprised at the matching shirts, but looked so good. Just saw the tweet of us three and the great great dane we met.

  2. I agree, Michelle, it was a perfect Sunday morning for running, for relaxing and chatting. Clearly great minds think else would we show up in matching race shirts LOL!

    It was wonderful to run together again in Fish Creek. Must do more of that: run together and run Fish Creek!!

    1. I'll be happy to do lots more trail runs in Fish Creek. Maybe we can get Terry to give us a tour of her happy spots.


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