
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Too late to trade me in for a younger model

Ooooohhhhhh. That gardening on the weekend sure caught up to me. Monday I got into the pool, but the water felt very thick. I felt slow and clunky. I got progressively more creaky throughout the day.

Then Tuesday was worse getting up. Walking took careful thought, then gradually got better. Right knee, left hip/glute. Running is out of the question. I've told Linda that it's much too late to trade me in, she's stuck with me now.

Today I warned my lovely yoga teacher that I was going to free-form it, and not do anything that might make me gasp in pain. That some grimacing was very likely. That I'd try not to keel over and bash my head on the hard floor. It went fairly well, skipping only some lunge stuff. Coming out of legs up the wall I got this slippery clunks from my very low back, three of them. They didn't hurt in either a painful way, or a hurts so good way. I am cautiously optimistic.

The back yard destruction is well underway.


  1. Backyard deconstruction is right - that's some serious renovation! Sorry to hear you are (were - must be better today?) sore after the yard work on the weekend. Funny how you think you're in pretty good shape and then you do something 'different' and you body says, 'Um, no!" Did the clunks equal an ease of tension in the back?

    1. The easy way to describe what's being done in the back yard is : they are taking away the whole thing and installing a new one. They said that the fence between us and the neighbor was so rotten its amazing it's still standing.
      The left hip/glute is feeling a bit better, but as of the 4am call to climb a ladder in the rain, my right quad is still cranky. Maybe a swim today will help.


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