
Sunday, May 25, 2014

Last run before race

Even though I like to say I'm tapering, one has to have been training to taper. What I've done over the last bunch of months can't really be called training. Not properly. Still, my legs were feeling pretty good today, and it was beautiful out. This will be my last run, I'm pretty sure, before the half marathon next Sunday.

This is what running should feel like. I was feeling a bit slow to start, but that was actually at my long run pace, and it just got quicker without really trying. I had decided to run whatever pace my legs wanted. It ended up looking like this.

At the end I was beginning to feel a bit of a twinge in my knee and hip so I didn't push it. I have no idea how a half marathon will work out a week from now. None at all. I certainly hope to not to set any personal records, especially the personal worst for this distance. If I was forced to pick a time,  I'd say I'll finish about 2.5 hours at best.

I suppose I should go look at the route, and figure out how I'm going to get to the start line. Package pickup is going to be early Friday afternoon, if anyone wants to do a meet up at the Expo. I know some of my buddies are SO EXCITED to be doing the race, and I certainly wish them well. I'm a bit more meh about it, though maybe it will bring back the racing mojo. I haven't raced for quite a while now. In fact my last race was Chinook half iron in 2012 in a craptastic 7:17.

Here's a better picture of our tree.

There has been an excavator living near the tennis courts across the green space. I had no idea what they had been working on till yesterday. I could see a small herd of kids in what looked like a mini skate park. And so it was. My run started today after checking it out. If this is what it takes to keep the kids off the streets and out of mischief, all the better.

The cats treat the laptop quite differently. Curtis resents it when he wants a lap and I'm using it. Celina just curls up on top if I let her, and tries to push it aside. Today she was snoozing in my lap, and didn't mind the laptop being put on top of her. Not even when I was finishing up this blog.


  1. Doesn't it feel like race day snuck up on us? I feel like I've been training forever. I'm ready to do this but I'm not sure if I can call it racing. My race pace for the 50K is pretty much my LSD pace. My goal is to finish so I can check it off the bucket list and I have no desire to ever do another ultra. It takes too much out of me. I have tested this twice.

    The social festivities leading up to race day this week are exciting but at the same time, I have to pace myself. I prefer to withdraw to my cave a bit before a race and this is the time being around other people can be draining. Balance. Race Day. Well-deserved rest. In fact, I'm so tired, I'm wondering what I was thinking by signing up for a fall marathon??? I may drop to the half but will see how it goes this summer.

    Hang in there Keith and never underestimate the power of a cheering crowd and other runners beside you to get those feet moving and carry you through the fatigue! :)

    1. It certainly did sneak up. I was just looking at the route, and thinking it's a long way. And that's me doing the half. Your 50 K is not to be thought of by me. I kind of like the social stuff, especially since I need to get out more. It's good for me or something.

  2. OK, Celina under your computer is hilarious! Now that's dedication to lap sitting!!

    Magnolia tree? The backyard is coming along - I've been lurking and the pics are very exciting. Can't wait to see the finished project.

    Go out and have fun on the weekend - the atmosphere is going to be fabulous with it being the 50th anniversary. And, as Michelle said, the crowd, the event, the adrenaline will give you the oomph to get through. I'll watch for you online as I'll be watching for my friend Brenda, too.

    1. She is totally dedicated. Most cats wake up if you pet them while snoozing. She just digs in deeper. It's some kind of plum tree. We can't wait either, though them finishing is just the beginning. Then there's a bunch of planting.

  3. I wish I was able to run the race! Good luck on race day :)

    1. I wish I was able to run the race too! I suspect much of it will be walking.

  4. How in the heck could you say your last race was CRAPTASTIC? shit. you finished, That is awesome. no way is that effort to be diminished. Race day is nerve wracking to be sure. I am looking forward to the crowds and also hoping hat i have done is truly enough.

    1. Considering I had been hoping for a 6 to 6.5 hr race, and that just finishing a half iron was not my goal because I'd been there done that a bunch of times, and I felt like frozen crap throughout, I think the craptastic is accurate.

  5. I bet you'll be surprised by how you do, Keith. There really is magic in tapering and race day energy. Heck, I ran my 17k leg of CTR in under 6:00/km! No idea how that happened given that I hadn't run anything over 8k faster than 6:45. There's magic, I tell you, magic.

    In any case, however fast your pace, the point is simply to be there drinking in the celebration, rejoicing in your capacity to do something very few people do. Take walk breaks, sing and dance when you feel like it, stop to kiss some babies and have fun!! Look forward to reading all about it!


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