
Saturday, April 19, 2014

New foot thingies

The day started with me stalking the photo-stalker. I got this shot, while she was working on hers. Total surprise for her! OEB is an awesome way to start the day! No food pics though, you would all go mad with envy.

A little later on in the day this happened. You can see Linda way off in the lead, me struggling pathetically trying to keep up. I was feeling quite disoriented up on the second floor. The vibrations in the floor were making me feel a bit queasy.

We were looking elsewhere too, and brought home these leather swatches. As you can see the cats are quite impressed. Which do you think goes with the cats?

Another bit of shopping at two different stores. The 11 year old plasma? Gone. Such an efficient place. You don't even have to get out of your car. Way back then I thought it was light. Now I think it's heavy.

Not far away is the Strides store. It was really crowded and at first I thought I'd come at a really busy time, but no. People were just back from the Saturday run and were socializing. My feet are strange. Last time size 11.5 was perfect. Today all of them felt tight so I went up to a 12. Perfect.

There was a woman trying on a pair of shoes even before I started. I tried and eliminated 4 pairs. Then got two more possible pairs, and I alternated between them before picking out the ones you can see. They are the something or other brand, model blahblahblah. Some of you might see them tomorrow. Even after I paid and was on the way out the door, she was still dithering.

On the right you can see the old fins with the broken heel strap. I've had them since well before doing IMC, so I guess they don't owe me anything. The new ones are there. The colour in the photo is odd though. The new fins are black, not navy blue.

Once home the busy day continued. We now have a clean BBQ. This used to take a long time with windex and paper towel. Now a putty knife and these micro-fibre e-clothes make it fast and easy.

I had meant to go to the library today and rent a Blu-Ray movie disc. But I didn't. However the renos there are complete. It sounds strange because it opened about the same time we built this house, and I still think of it being new, but I guess not. It's one of the busiest public library branches in North America. The library world has changed enormously in 30 years so it's no surprise the building needs to change.

Even in our house we've had two major renovations over the years, doing essentially the entire main floor, and adding some things to the basement. The back yard is getting done this year, and we are considering holding a 30th birthday party for the house this fall. Would you come to such an event? Have you ever been to a birthday party for a house?


  1. You were a great stalkerazzi! Total surprise. I love the deals at Ikea! All the swatches go with the cats of course! Can't wait to see the new shoes. A house re-warming sounds like fun!

    1. But wait! There is more stalkerazzi today.

  2. Yes, I agree with Michelle, you were totally stealthy! I also had no idea you took a candid pic of me until it showed up on Twitter, haha. :)

    I love shopping with Linda; she is a woman on a mission. Even when browsing. It's like an adventure in finding gems and discovering stuff. You really need to catch up.

    I normally prefer blue myself, but the tan/orange/white swatches match the cats better I think. Love the shoes.

    I would totally come over for a house rewarming. Heck, I'd come over on any pretext of a little excuse! ;)

    Enjoy your Easter!

    1. There are a few shots today I'm surprised to see, as I hope you and M will be in a little bit.

      I can never catch up. As I get closer, trying to surf the draft, the choking cloud of dust envelops me and slows me down.


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