
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

I'd better write something

Monday. Pool. Katie. Water run. Clunky swim. Evening stretch and core.

Tuesday. Scary run. Thin slick icy. 6K, 40:30, very carefully. Left ham and calf not happy, but not actually cramping. Slow start, not really feeling like going for a run, but I'm happy I did. Even happier I didn't slip.

Wednesday. Stupid traffic. Nice yoga. More stupid traffic. About a dozen cop cars had Anderson and 14th closed off, so we had to go north to Glenmore Landing, over to 24th, and home. Southland was stupid.

Tired lately, trying to get to bed early. I'd have written more, but blame the stupid traffic.

So all you get is a pic of a typical fruit selection on my desk. Dates in the little bag. Yummy.

1 comment:

  1. I remember that pic from the good old ballroom dancing party days!


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