
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

me, the skinny hippy

Once again, a two hour commute home in the falling snow. At least this one includes a stop for gas. Given what we heard on the radio about traffic, I suspect a 2 hour trip is one of the shorter ones. At one point they closed Glenmore trail and diverted everybody onto Deerfoot. If you don't know Calgary, these are both major freeways that were already full of traffic. This is a detour that is hideous at the best of times, and tonight is unspeakable. We didn't even try to go to yoga, since anyone from Glenmore going south, is going to be going right past the studio, taking one of the roads we would need to take. Shoveling snow is my workout tonight. I have rarely seen Calgary with this much snow.

In response to the clamor of requests for the photo of us from 1984, compliments of my brother, here you are. Never let it be said that I'm not responsive to my readers. As you will further see in my AMA Ask Me Anything feature. The questions are coming in thick and fast. Don't wait! Get yours in now via comments, email, or social media.

The orange cat is Sebastian; he was a wonderful cat and I still think about him. I still can't quite believe all that hair. And no gut. Amazing! I'd forgotten I had ever tried to part my hair in the centre like that. Very shortly after this, the part went back on the left, where it belongs. Not that that matters now. Serious contemplating a buzzer of a haircut next summer. Or sooner if I decide to start swimming a lot more.


  1. WOW!!! Fantastic photo! Bummer about the's warm here. Oops, did I write that?! tee her

    1. It's not cold here. Not really. That's about all I can say about that.

  2. Great photo - thanks for sharing. You really haven't changed that much - I would still pick you out of a line-up, er, I mean, um...well, I'd still recognize the younger you :)

    Hated Glenmore when I lived in Calgary - hated Deerfoot even more!

    1. Glenmore is much better now. They dug out an underpass for 5th (behind chinook) and under Elbow Drive. They added a bridge over the reservoir. Upgraded the intersection at Crowchild. Even 37th got a double traffic circle thingie that sure helps. Deerfoot is still a gong show at the best of times. I don't know what drugs they were smoking to do the D/G intersection like that. And don't get me started on the intersection at Deerfoot, Bow Bottom, Anderson, and Southland. I'm just glad I don't have to drive that at rush hour anymore.

  3. I opted to go to Chinook last night because I thought the mall would be less busy than the weekend. Wasn't so fond of driving in that weather but I was already committed! My drive home from the mall at 7 pm? Had there even been a plow out on Glenmore or Crowchild? Holy smokes, you couldn't see any lanes. It was nuts!

    Love the old photo of you! You still look very much the same to me!


Looking forward to reading your comment!