
Friday, December 27, 2013

AMA 3, and Only 3 of the discs!

I got Linda season 1 of Deadwood for a stocking stuffer after hearing some people at work talk about it. It sounds pretty violent to me, so I'm not sure I can take it. I'm pretty much a weenie when it comes to movie violence. Last night she stayed up to watch it while I worked on other things. She's a bit of a binge show watcher. Always wanting to watch one more episode. This is how we get our viewing out of synch.

This morning when she got up I asked if she watched the whole season. "I only watched 3 of the discs!" was her indignant reply. I'm getting better at capturing these good blog titles.

I had a quiet day for me, mostly writing. I've been working on the death scene, and was struggling with it. In the mean time I was writing a couple other scenes. Something clicked and I pounded out 2500 words or so, mostly on the death scene. Now to figure out exactly where it goes and tweak wording as necessary. There's a scene that is a bunch of exposition, and I know where it goes, just need to figure out how. It happens before the scene that opens the book, but it itself isn't a book opening scene. Decisions decisions.

Even though I was up at 5 to feed the cats, and was awake enough to drive to the pool, I didn't. Maybe I should of. It was nice enough today to run in shorts and tech shirt, but I'm planning to run tomorrow. Even though the temperature is dropping like a rock. It's not often you see the words "Flash Freeze Warning" on the weather page.

We may have to rethink the run, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there.

Instead today I had a hard hour on the bike, with some core and stretching after. Very happy with how that went.

A couple photos for you. The cats being affectionate, and the sky as the cold weather was coming in.

AMA: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
I had to think about that once. I was once in discussions with an American non-profit, and for complicated reasons I would actually have to live in America. Anywhere within an hour or so of a major airport was fine. After a bunch of noodling around, I landed on Boulder, Colorado. However, America has turned into a police state. I'm reluctant to even visit there. They've taken Canadians and sent them overseas for torture.

Within Canada Calgary is pretty well near the top of the list, mainly because I like sunny weather. It doesn't have to be warm. In fact, I like the mix of climates, and don't mind cold weather. Going for a run on a clear sunny day at -30 C is very nice. We've been discussing if we want to live here in retirement, but have come to no firm conclusions.

There is a passel of relatives that live in the Fraser Valley, but if I was going to live there I should have bought a long time ago. I very much enjoyed Penticton during my two stays there. Granted I was a bit distracted, but it might be fun to rent a house there in the summer, and commute to Calgary for a 4 day work week. Maybe I could talk my boss into that. Last year one member of the team lived in Edmonton, technically speaking.

Once we nearly bought a house in Lunenburg, and some parts of Nova Scotia are very nice. Living within a short distance of Hirtle's beach would be very attractive, to say nothing of a certain bakery nearby. However, one person there talked of the fog line as being an important consideration for selecting a place to live. That sounds ominous.

New Zealand would be a nice place to live, I think, as would several parts of Australia.
Florence, the one in Italy, was very nice. I'd go back in a heartbeat. Not so sure about living there, but maybe while I was writing a book, for a year or so. There's lots of other places I'd like to live for a while, like Iceland and other parts of Scandinavia.

For a while I think I'd like to live on an island in the South Pacific. There's such a romantic vision of that, the beach, the palm trees, the climate. The bikini clad cuties. Ahem.  Then again, I think I'd get tired of just the one climate all the time.

And another made up question, this one from Sophia!
You've often said that you are not photogenic at all, which I can believe given the evidence. However your Facebook and Twitter profile photo is awesome! Who took this great shot? What's the story of why you look so good in it?
We were visiting our friends Kris and Sophia, and their adorable daughter. When this photo was taken she had crawled into my lap and was working on falling asleep. Sophia took the photo with my iPhone. Normally I'm kind of allergic to kids, so I'm not sure why I look so good in it, perhaps because I was relaxed. Maybe it's the photographer's skill. It's one of a very, very small number of photos that I look good in. This is the un-cropped version.

That profile photo is one of a very few that I like. Here's the other one, just in case you missed it. Best selfie ever! Totally by accident one morning on the way into work. No post processing.

1 comment:

  1. LOLOL what a funny question to attribute to me. I can tell you (as attested by my family and occasionally by Kris himself) that I ain't got no photography skill. Digital cameras are the best invention ever!!! It is one of those precious moments pics that I always treasure. And it was a total fluke. Except my charming daughter - that ain't no fluke.

    Keep those AMAs coming!! Now I wish I had put some more thought into it.....


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