
Saturday, November 9, 2013

A real writ'n, run'n, and writ'n day

Up early writing in the quiet predawn. Cats supervising, but not actually on top of me. A runner went by just as the sun was coming up. It's a beautiful clear day. My thought was to get out for a run while it was still nice.

I ended up doing 6 K nice and easy, just under 41 minutes. My feet and legs felt light and happy for almost all of it, getting just a bit tired towards the end.

After some stretching and lunch and a shower, I was back into it again. Two long scenes today, 5012 words between them, for 28479 words total. Very emotional, and tough sledding at times. Did you catch the snippet I posted yesterday, along with cat pictures?

So far, what the cats have worked out as being marginally satisfactory is for Celina to be on my shins, just out of the picture. Curtis knows the keyboard and track pad is where the action is, and wants to be on this side of the screen. So far the track pad seems to be more sensitive to his paws than my hands.

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