
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

So I promised to tell you

The secrets of the kitty universe! At least that's what they think are behind the bedroom door, the garage door, the front door, the back door. Whichever door is closed is the one they want most to go through. Celina is a darter. She puts her head down and gallops for the opening. Curtis is considerably more polite, and will only gradually stroll in.

I knew walking into the pool area that the swim was going to be good, and it was better than that. After two months or so off, it was a bit brutal getting back into the water. It took a month and a half of two swims a week on average to get back to about where I was when I stopped.

The pool is always busy now, but my lane mate was reasonably speedy. I scarcely noticed the first 500 m, and happily kept going. There was a brief moment of suckage about 700 m, but I got it back together and cruised along for a 19 minute 1000 m. Yay! It all felt smooth and strong, and I was on top of my breathing the whole time. Lovely! Now if I can nail my flip turn consistency, and maintain my starting pace, I'll be making good progress.

Before dance class I felt like going for a run. I wanted to try out my new shoes. Instead we went to dance class. Samba. Some Foxtrot. Part way through Samba the ache started in my knees and calves. By the end of it I was in actual pain. Foxtrot wasn't quite as bad, but it wasn't helping. Only an hour and I hobbled out to the car. I took drugs when I got home, and not just wine. Liniment. Lots of sleep.

It was better this morning, and gradually got better through the day. Eagerness to try my new shoes was mine. Even if it was raining lightly. Even if it was comparatively cold. They are light. My feet felt fast. The first little while I was restraining myself, trying to get properly warmed up. Then I let my feet run whatever they wanted to run.

It felt really good! My legs felt light and happy. Then in the middle of the last K, I really picked it up for a short bit, probably the fastest I've ever ran. Runmeter says that was 4:53 per K pace, or a 7:52 mile, or a 3:26 marathon. It felt like I was flying. In about 50 yards I was starting to breath really hard and backed off. It's humbling to think there are lots of people that can run the whole marathon much faster than that. Humbling to think that BQ for my age group is 3:40, so it's a good thing my dreams don't include going to Boston.

While I'm thinking about it, IS there anything I've promised to tell you, and haven't? Anything you want to know? Ask, and you shall receive. I love giving advice and answering questions.


  1. 1. Dance classes sound super fun!
    2. I have anonymous commenters that I actually know and like.
    3. Great job on the swimming & running. I'm currently a swimming and running fool.

    1. You have anonymous commenters you know? How nice.
      My bike is feeling very neglected at the moment, since all I'm doing is the running and swimming.

  2. Yay for a good swim and a good run in new shoes! I walked in my pair of new shoes last night and with them, I really need to make sure I heel lock real tight bc I nearly gave myself a blister in one heel.

    I miss dancing. One of these years when our daughter (and our babysitter) is older, we'll go to dance class/dancing again.

    1. I miss the organization of the U of C. Knowing what is going to be taught, when, and how was a huge plus. This teacher is doing sort of half international, I think. It's very strange for me to have a dance start with the right foot going back, other than Argentine Tango.


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