
Sunday, July 14, 2013

The first run in a while

I've been getting itchy to run lately. My legs and knees have been pretty good lately. Sooner or later you have to go.

So yesterday I did, nice and easy. Long limbering up and roller session. Walked and started very easy with a little walk break in the first K. Took a walk break at the end of every K, just to give my legs a change of pace. It all felt good, but didn't want to push it. By the end of 4 K my left knee was starting to feel a bit tired. Good cool down walk. It was great to be out again! Now, if I can get back into the swimming pool again. Poor Talisman, the mechanical level was flooded and their still working out a plan to reopen the pool. I'm spoiled now, but may have to get a City pass for Renfrew again.

Long stretch session after. I got in just in time to miss a pretty good storm. This is without any editing. It was really dark for a while but it blew over quickly.

The rest of the weekend has been puttering around the house. Keeping on top of the weeds in the flower boxes. Anise Hysop never gives up. Racking wine in the basement; next weekend I should be able to bottle. Writing. Reading the book club book even - Lost Dogs and Lonely Hearts by Lucy Dillon. I'm not much of a dog person, so lets just say I'm not expecting to be bowled over. The opening pages were a bit of tough sledding, trying to figure out who had died, who was in the room talking about it, and who was being referred to.

It was a beautiful day for a bike ride, but I didn't want to. A quiet day is what I wanted.

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