
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The rain is hosing down

I've been lucky so far. It's monsoon season in Calgary, and we're getting record rainfall. Right now it's coming down as hard as I've ever seen it happen, with the clouds just screaming along overhead.

It rained hard, briefly, during yoga class and was fine when we came out. We were home a few minutes and it started again. This is the last class of the year for us, unless we get onto Helen's crazy summer schedule. Probably not, at least not for me. I can go down into my fitness cave and do all the yoga I please, on my schedule.

Have I said what a wonderful teacher we have? Today we were playing with our feet, and since the bottom of my left foot is a bit tender, this is all good. This was a move that she had known and forgot about till she was reminded at her wine I mean yoga retreat. It was in Naramata, so you can understand my confusion.

There was a short bike yesterday, then a good stretch and core session. That's when I got into the serious thoughts post, which has had some nice comments.

This morning I was in the pool for a nice swim, though I had no water feel at all. Which is a pity because I was sharing the lane with a couple of fast swimmers and it would have been nice to be on my game. Then water ran with my buddy Katie for a little while, getting  all caught up. I get tired just listening to what she gets up to!

Still not signed up for any races. I don't see any point of doing races while not completely recovered. I've suffered through enough races just to finish. I don't need to do more of that. It's another thing entirely to be healthy and pushing to claw my way up that fiercely competitive age group I'm in. That would be nice.

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