
Friday, March 15, 2013

Last full day here

Another perfect day here. Perfect for lazing on the deck, strolling around town a bit, lying in the hammock, and now, sitting in a shady spot. Thinking back on how much we've enjoyed this vacation, even if we do miss our furrballs.

The bus stops are marked by poles, and the colour tells you which side of the road to stand on. Sometimes it's easy to get turned around. Pink poles are for girls going to Hamilton to shop.

Blue poles are for boys tired from shopping in Hamilton.

These are the bus stops we've used the most, and if it looks like we're standing on the street, we are. If it looks like there is a wall that prevents any escape from traffic, they do. Travel here is a bit of an act of faith. This is the main road going into St. George's, and I'm pretty sure some of the bike paths in Calgary are wider. There is no margin for error on the roads here, which is why we haven't rented a motor scooter or used the apartment bikes.

I could cope with a scooter. I could cope with driving on the wrong side of the road. I could cope with narrow twisty streets and navigating on the fly in busy traffic. I'm pretty sure I could cope with any two of those. All three together are right off my list of adventurous things to try.

I like this signpost to tell you who lives on this street.

While I'm barefoot at the moment, here's the pile of my shoes by the door.

Bermuda's architecture is nice, with some odd twists. This looks like a resort hotel, but I think it's actually an office building.

Here's what the Hamilton waterfront looks like.

We are going to be sad to go, especially since the weather is finally getting nicer here and is crap in Calgary. I've taken about 400 photos this time, many of which are near duplicates. There are some videos as well. Once home I might clean up some of them and tell some more stories. Tomorrow is a travel day so I probably won't have much to say, though there is a 3 hour wait in Toronto and wireless access.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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