
Thursday, January 24, 2013


On Monday I ended up leaving my swim fins at the pool. There were a whole bunch of people around me and I got flustered or something as I was tucking things into my bag. I don't like being crowded. On the way in this morning I asked at the front desk and they had them! Thank you honest stranger.

The swim is coming back. In the water 40 minutes swimming fairly strong. 3x50 on 60, under 50 seconds. It's nice to be getting the water feel back. Though as I was finishing up some kids from a synchro club hopped in the next lane to cool down. They were still swimming faster than me.

One of my regular habits until recently has been going for a walk at lunch time. Somehow over December I got out of it, and now I'm trying to get back to doing it. The great white head in front of the Bow building looks like its done, but the construction signs are still up so you can't see the base.

I still have not got around to spending my gift certs at Sportchek. Maybe this weekend. I wonder how much I would use a GoPro video camera? Anybody have one? Thoughts?


  1. From Tiff - "Blog comment for ya. (As usual I'm on my phone and too lazy to walk downstairs to use the laptop). Regarding the GoPro. We (we as in my husband) bought one on Boxing Day and I'm pretty certain it's still in the package. I do want to take it to the pool someday to analyze my swim stroke sometime though! I have not been a good swimmer these past 2 months.... Can count on one hand how many times I've been to the pool..."

  2. I had the GoPro, it didnt work all that well, it is a pain to mount on the bike, I ended up returning it

  3. That's great that you got your fins back! Bummer that you still haven't found anything to buy at Sport Check. What about another pair of shoes? A jacket? Or some other piece of fitness equipment like maybe some free weights?

  4. I'm not sure how many words you still need so here are two:
    1. caddywhompus
    2. flibbertigibbet

    1. Thanks for the words! Of course the internet is always right. That's why they call it Mrs. Google; she knows everything.

  5. And the internet did confirm that these two words actually exist...because the internet is always right!

  6. I write somewhat vulgar things on my swim paddles to ensure no one steals them if I forget them :)


Looking forward to reading your comment!