
Monday, November 26, 2012

An interesting race, at first

I'm watching the Calgary Centre by-election on twitter. Calgary normally votes Conservative, but the Center riding is on the progressive side of that. What with a strong Liberal candidate, and a good Green candidate with a strong election team, coupled with a fruit loop Conservative candidate who's highest ambition is to be Harpers butt boy, it was shaping up to be a good race. Indeed, the Liberal candidate was even leading for a while, but as I write this the Conservative is up about 5%, and the Liberal and Green are splitting the vote. Again. Still lots of polls to go, so it might change, but it's looking more doubtful. Sigh. Still, I suppose it's better than the many races where they call the result for the Conservative candidate within minutes of the polls closing.

Swam this morning, 45 minutes. Pretty good but nothing spectacular. 1K 18:45. Kick and pull. Six 50 m intervals, and got a really bad gulp of water so I stopped. Backstroke to cool down.

Wonderful run this evening by the light of the nearly full moon! Only a couple other people on the path, and a few dogs with some weird red lights on their collars. They had me wondering what was happening. 9 K in just over 60 minutes, running easily. When I got back to the house I felt like I could have a drink and a quick snack, then do the run again, but I knew better. The wind was pretty strong up near the reservoir so I was starting to get a bit chilled.

Still working on getting photos posted. I've done a bit of research, and I'm a bit choked there was nothing in the info files that talked about a limit on photo library size. I just uploaded them the way they were, so they are probably big. I'll have to see if I can resize them without fubarring the link. I'm pretty sure that all of them are a link destination, so I can't just remove them. Haven't really had time to look in detail yet.

This is amazing! A whole hour after the polls close, and we still don't know who has won a federal by-election in Calgary. The results have narrowed again. Enough, time to publish.

1 comment:

  1. I'd be one of those people with a dog with a weird red light on them...I use it so cars see me when crossing the street. So far it's helped!


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